What To Expect at CT Addiction Medicine, LLC.
Every person is different, and every addict’s journey to recovery is unique to their circumstances. When you decide that it is time to take back control of your life, the caregivers at CT Addiction Medicine work with you to ensure that you are on the right path towards healing. The company has four separate locations in Connecticut and welcome walk-ins as well as telemedicine appointments. New patients will be seen within 48 hours of initial contact. In order to get you healthy, CT Addiction Medicine caregivers work towards the goal of overall wellness and use a wide variety of medical treatments, psychiatric intervention, behavioral health therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and addiction education.
Addiction Treatment Options
Connecticut Addiction Medicine, LLC proudly offers a new chance at life to those who are suffering from substance abuse or addiction disorder. The company provides a comprehensive outpatient detoxification plan for anyone seeking treatment with a special focus on those who reach out for help with alcoholism, opioid dependency, and heroin addiction. The firm’s expert staff uses the most up-to-date evidence-based treatment methods to improve engagement, compliance, and relapse prevention.
CT Addiction Medicine, LLC. Inpatient vs. Outpatient Services
Many patients avoid beginning treatment for substance addiction. Mostly because they are fearful of, or unable to, step away from a job, young children, ill family members, or significant others for an extended period of time. No one becomes addicted overnight, and so no treatment will cure addiction overnight. At Connecticut Addiction Treatment we are familiar with these barriers to pursuing care and have maximized the addiction treatment services available on an outpatient basis. This allows for detoxification and treatment without a residential component, so that a patient can go home to their own bed every night during the detoxification period. Telemedicine options are available during COVID-19 to ensure the safety of all our patients and staff.
Sometimes the benefits of inpatient treatment services become so great that they outweigh the aversion factors. If it becomes necessary, Connecticut Addiction Treatment has close working relationships with treatment centers that provide higher levels of care for those that need it. Inpatient detox, partial hospitalization, and residential treatment for 28, 45, or 90 days are options that the treatment team can coordinate for each individual patient so that patient focus can stay fixed on recovery. The CT Addiction Medicine team works together to provide wellness support every step of the way.
What is Substance Abuse?
Until 1935, the year that two habitual problem drinkers referred to as “Bill W.” and “Dr. Bob” founded the Alcoholics Anonymous Fellowship, the vast majority of Americans believed that alcoholism and addiction were simply defects of character. Those who were able to maintain employment and family relationships while continuing to imbibe their substance of choice were often the target of derisive gossip. Those whose substance issues contributed to a harsher life – homelessness, jails, and institutions — were simply categorized as hopeless cases. Addiction was considered shameful, was not spoken of in polite company. As such, there was no safe place for any addict or alcoholic to seek effective solutions for problems stemming from, or related to, their substance abuse. We now know that these assumptions were wrong and that addiction is a DISEASE, not a choice or a bad habit.
About Connecticut Addiction Medicine, LLC.
Connecticut Addiction Medicine, LLC, partners with patients to fight the disease of addiction with top-of-the-line caregivers and personalized recovery plans. In-house specialized substance abuse counselors will work with you or your loved one to ensure that the disease is targeted with a variety of treatment modalities. CT Addiction Medicine’s treatment team includes experienced clinicians who have extensive history working with patients suffering from substance abuse. This specialized group includes an Addiction Psychiatrist, Addiction Medicine Physicians, a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Addiction and Drug Counselor, and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
Watch the video below to learn how addiction recovery can be a delicate balance during Coronavirus
Contact Connecticut Addiction Medicine, LLC. today to begin your road to recovery in-person or via telemedicine.
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